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Emergency Management Qualifications Courses

Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)

The Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management) qualification provides the skills and knowledge required to perform a leadership role in emergency or disaster management. It is suitable for paid professionals or volunteers working across the emergency or disaster management spectrum; Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery (PPRR). This qualification addresses both the planning for, and management of major risks in emergencies and recovery operations. The program’s specific focus is on working with the community and other key stakeholders prior to, during and after an emergency incident.

Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)

The PUA50120 Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management) is designed for personnel undertaking emergency management responsibilities at an incident, emergency or disaster. This will include the coordination of resources, personnel and entities as well as the coordination of activities with other organisations. This qualification includes the units of competency required by personnel for performing a range of activities such as planning and the coordination of activities for an incident, emergency or disaster. This supports prevention of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from such events.

Work within an emergency management context

This unit of competency involves the skills and knowledge required to work within an emergency management context. It includes confirming jurisdictional emergency management arrangements, contributing to entity awareness of jurisdictional arrangements, supporting organisational and community emergency planning and decisions and applying knowledge of emergency management arrangements. The unit applies to personnel preparing to work within an emergency management context. This may include individuals who are undertaking or are preparing to work in an emergency management role within their organisation and/or local community and requires broad knowledge of emergency management arrangements within differing jurisdictions.

Coordinate emergency planning

This unit of competency involves the skills and knowledge required to collaboratively develop new or undertake the revision of existing emergency plans in an emergency management context. Such plans may focus on comprehensive aspects of emergency management for prevention, preparedness, response and/or recovery. It includes establishing the emergency planning context and framework, developing agreed planning processes and methodology, undertaking research and analysis for emergency management planning, developing and refining emergency management planning outcomes, documenting the emergency plan and validating the plan. The unit applies to personnel involved in emergency planning within or by emergency service organisations, government agencies, private sector businesses, critical infrastructure owners and operators, community groups, not for profit organisations, community event committees, and educational institutions.

Conduct Liaison During Emergency Events

This unit of competency involves the skills and knowledge required to perform a liaison role (a liaison person) between an organisation managing emergency response and/or recovery and another organisation providing services or assistance in those efforts. It involves establishing the purpose and priorities of the managing and supporting organisations, the amount of decision-making authority delegated (if any), and communication channels and reporting requirements. The liaison person represents their agency to support the coordination of assistance between the managing and supporting organisations. Based on a request for a liaison person being made and accepted, a liaison person may be sent from a support organisation to the managing organisation, or vice versa. As such, either may be the sending or receiving organisation. The unit applies to personnel involved in emergency response and/or recovery within or by emergency service organisations, government agencies, private sector businesses, critical infrastructure owners and operators, community groups, not for profit organisations and community event committees.

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