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Building Resilience

Course Description

Why build resilience?

We all know that prolonged periods of stress can be psychologically and physically harmful but very few people are in a position to be able to just walk away from it. Typical ongoing stresses in the workplace may include:

  •  difficult clients or co-workers,
  • an unsupportive boss,
  • organisational uncertainties or obstructions,
  •  disappointing career setbacks,
  • unreasonable workloads,
  • insufficient resources,
  • unrealistic deadlines or
  • significant system failures.


Maybe you’re dealing with all of these things! Whatever your current role or level of responsibility at work, this course is designed to help you build resilience.

Recent events have proved challenging for all of us and tested our resilience. For our work teams it has been a period of uncertainty and significant change for everyone.

This workshop is designed to support everyone in these difficult times by learning the common behaviours of resilience people. There will be practical tools to reflect and measure your own resilience levels and to identify unhelpful personal thinking patterns and stress triggers. The session is full of positive strategies to help you build your resilience, one day at a time. As part of the session we work on how to create a personal resilience action plan to energise and empower you to confidently approach the inevitable challenges life throws our way.

This program is offered via interactive webinar as well as face to face and comes with a workbook that encourages reflection and activities designed to build resilient behaviours and habits.

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